
Steele Smith was afflicted with several autoimmune diseases and multiple disease processes which were not well understood, including a heart condition unknown in medical history except for him.  As a result of this,Steele was featured in a big, front-page article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel which you can read by clicking the link.  Also, Marilynn Marchione, who wrote that article also wrote an obituary for Steele in which she captured some of the story of Steele’s life and his good nature.

Those of you who knew Steele know that he was a very well-behaved, well-mannered little boy who loved nothing more than to help.  One of the extraordinary caregivers fromChildren’s Hospital of Wisconsin who was also a friend described Steele, “Race, color, creed, Steele doesn’t care, Steele likes everybody.”  The doctors, nurses, technicians of amazing talents, those who fed us in the cafeteria during our many visits and those who kept the rooms clean and comfortable were among the finest of people.  Though Steele was afflicted with many maladies, he was blessed, as was his mom and dad, with the friendship of many people from many stations.

Steele was able to speak with Dave and Carole of WKLH FM 956.5 during their Miracle Marathon telethon a few months before he passed in 2000.  Steele was fortunate to have met “the nicest bunch of people we wish we’d never met” at the Make-A-Wish Foundation which sent him on a trip to Disney World that was so “magical” that even somebody named Disney could not easily duplicate.  Steele spoke at a Klumb Family-Hosted Charitable Event (article at link fails to come close to expressing the full magnitude of the Klumb  family philanthropy) to promote the Make-A-Wish foundation, hosted by a family that exudes kindness and generosity.  He was able to meet Tom Pipines of Fox6, Don Bebee of the Green Bay Packers and Andy North, golfer extraordinaire from Wisconsin who were also lending their time to the effort of helping the day profit children served by Make-A-Wish.  Steele cherished that day as do his mom and dad. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all who’ve donated to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin through the Miracle Marathon, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Klumb Family Foundation.

Steele would have been so proud to know that the first twoLupus Foundation America – Wisconsin Chapter Walks were held in his name and memory:  Strides for Steele – A Walk for Lupus.  It is a terrible disease which often kills.  We are very grateful for those who’ve donated to fund the great work being done by the Lupus Foundation.

Steele was awarded the LFA-Wisconsin’s very first Shining Star  Award for his contribution to shine the light on Lupus in the effort to help people become aware of this damnable disease and to fight to beat it.

Thank you for reading.